Beauty of the Caucasus

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  • Просмотров: 452
  • Добавлено: 27 февраль 2020

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I dedicate this video to all my Caucasian brothers and sisters. No more wars and no more hatred, we Caucasians should be united again.. KAVKAZ SILAAAAAA!!! :D

A little bit of information on the Caucasus:
The Caucasus (Kavkaz) is a mountain area that seperates Europe from Asia, Kavkaz has a very long history and there are many stories known about it. It is also known as the place where Noah's ship rested. In the Caucasus there are many different languages, besides ethnic Caucasians (Waynakh, Circassians, Darginians) you also have a lot of other people from other ethnicities. At last is the Caucasus also known for its extraordinary beauty. But unfortunately there are still conflicts going on over there, but hopefully this will end soon..

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